Every Word Has Power Book

Every Word Has Power: Switch on Your Language and Turn on Your Life! Why? Because this is the most powerful minute of your life right now as you make the decision to transform your life forever! This sensational new book gives you the secret keys to develop and create your own magic formula to manifest abundance, health, passion and joy on every level.

Learn the Secret Code to the Language of Success

Dr. Yvonne’s proven compelling techniques bring you into contact with everything you want to have, or to be, or to do.

How would you love to be in complete control of the successful results in your life?

To wake up every morning ready to take action and make profound changes?

To become a master communicator?

Your thoughts and your words create your world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have your inner voice talk to you with excitement and encouragement, or speak softly to you with a sense of harmony and joy?

You were born with the ability to be great. Get ready to open up to the exciting possibilities of tapping into the boundless resources of the quantum universe.

Yvonne's compelling techniques help transform your life using the language of success. When you change your words you change your life.

~ Dr. John Gray

Author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

45632 Ryerson Crescent

Niagara Falls, L2E 1E2, Canada